Azienda N°11/12


Products Organic Pasta Legumes Bio -: Organic Gluten Free Pasta
Strong Points The Mix Of Legumes And Cereals Creates The Complete Dish For Excellence. Nutritional Values of Legumes Combined with Cereals Provide All Essential Amino Acids. It is a useful food for vegans, celiacs and all who are trying to reduce the consumption of products of animal origin. Legumes And Cereals, Together, They Are Invincible! This Mix, in fact, constitutes the dish Complete By Excellence. The Nutritional Components of Legumes, Combined At the Cereals, They Provide A Beneficial Effect Since they provide all Essential Amino Acids. It is a useful food for vegans, celiacs And all those who try to reduce Consumption of products of animal origin. With Taste It Gets Easier To Introduce The consumption of legumes *
Pricerange : タ3.80 - タ4.00/Conf.250g ヨ Prezzo Al Consumatore Finale (Consigliato Dal Produttore)

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